Technology Has Become Society’s Ice Breaker


There is a certain awkward feeling in everyone’s mind when they go to a business event. People have a fear that nothing will be gained from the meeting or that time is being wasted.

Meeting a person online is very different than meeting him or her offline. The person is not physically in front of you and you are not afforded some of the luxuries that are part of face-to-face interaction, such as being able to see the other person’s movements, body language, and facial expressions as you are speaking with him or her. Those elements of face-to-face interactions are all necessary so that you can decide whether building a relationship with that person will benefit both of you professionally.

When you start to build a business relationship with someone online and those in-person luxuries have been removed, you are able to put aside all judgments and move forward with the conversation, absorbing all of the information that you need to be able to build a meaningful and substantial relationship. When the relationship has an online basis, it is much easier to determine whether your professional relationship will be mutually beneficial. If after pursuing this online relationship, you decide that your relationship with that person will be valuable, it is now time to transition from the online relationship to the offline (or face-to-face) relationship.

As mentioned earlier, offline and online business relationships are very different from each other. The purpose of meeting one on one with a person in an offline relationship is to establish a feeling of trust between you and the other person and then to build upon that trust.

All relationships (business and personal) must have trust as one of the essential elements that make up the foundation of the relationship. Meeting with the person one on one makes it possible for each person to get to know the other on a more personal and human basis. The idea of meeting the other person face to face to build trust and to develop the relationship more deeply is very important; however, there is a catch, which is the psychology of the human mind.

People are uncomfortable when they first meet someone new, which stems from the fact that they do not have that trust built up in an offline relationship with the other person. This is why making connections and starting a relationship online is helpful when it comes to beginning the relationship process. When people make the decision to meet in person, they have things that they can discuss and are able to get right down to business because they have already gotten past the introductions and all of those awkward moments through their relationship online. Basically, the bottom line is that because of their online relationship, the technology used to create this new and hopefully long-term relationship has been used as an ice breaker. It is much easier and more beneficial for people to work together and gain from each other when their relationship is strong.


Making connections online is a useful tool that should never go untapped by any business owner with dreams and aspirations of success.

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  • Jonathan Cohn

    Jonathan Cohn is a student of sociology at William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ. Jonathan offers a new perspective to the Blogs of CompuKol Connections because of his course of study and because of his experience and interactions with people from a sociological angle.

    Besides having a passion for people, he also has a passion for music. He is a bass player and has played with several local bands in New York and New Jersey.

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No Responses

  1. Rich Dressler says:


    Via LinkedIn Groups

    Group: AOL Small Business
    Discussion: Technology Has Become Society’s Ice Breaker

    doesnt matter where you meet someone, on or off line. people are a valuable resource in many ways. if you find out that someone will not be beneficial to you they probably know someone who will be. there is never wasted time when meeting someone. meet people anywhere you can, the more people you know can only help your biz. dont expect anything from anybody and you will be surprised often with who will get in touch with you.
    Posted by Rich_ Dressler

  2. Jess Lala says:


    Via LinkedIn Groups

    Group: AOL Small Business
    Discussion: Technology Has Become Society’s Ice Breaker

    Indeed!!! I think technology can open more communication channels.

    Posted by Jess Lala

  3. Susan Mathews Karinjappally says:


    Via LinkedIn Groups

    Group: Business Consulting Buzz Group
    Discussion: Technology Has Become Society’s Ice Breaker

    Life has become vaccum without Technology…..
    Whether its your personal or professional life……Every gathering has its own loss and gain depends on the way you translate it or transform it
    Posted by Susan Mathews Karinjappally