Are you truly a blogger?
If you are just beginning to get involved with social media, and blogging in particular, and you aren’t sure how to get started as well as whether you can really make a success of it, there are certain things to consider.
If you are just beginning to get involved with social media, and blogging in particular, and you aren’t sure how to get started as well as whether you can really make a success of it, there are certain things to consider.
The power of the written word is the first (and one of the most important) bridges between you and your readers. Your content must not only be well written but must also entice the reader and compel them to continue.
Now that you are writing content and posting it on your chosen social media channels, your writing skills are bound to be improving. Even if you were a great writer before, social media can help you become even better.
You have been blogging for some time now. Since you started, you feel that you have established a momentum. However, your content isn’t getting as much as attention as you want. You need get it noticed by more people.
You have become adept at social media. Your next step is to start blogging on your own. There are many ways to begin. Study other bloggers’ work and then start to blog about your business and about your passions.
You are diligent and consistent when it comes to posting articles online that are informative and educational for other people. The quality of the writing is superb but you notice that you don’t have a lot of readers. Why not?
Your blogging goal is to consistently deliver compelling and informative content that contains solutions to the problems of your readers. Now that people read your content, you need to give it a distinctive voice as well.
“All the words I use in my stories can be found in the dictionary – it’s just a matter of arranging them into the right sentences.” Somerset Maugham. As a business person with an online presence, you write for the Web.