Tagged: Social Media Strategies


Honing Your Social Media Profiles Effectively

Many people pay a lot of attention to social media. However, do those same people pay as much attention to their social media profiles? There are many different reasons why people don’t update their social media profiles regularly, such as lack of time or simply forgetting about them. However, honing your social media profiles effectively and regularly will produce positive results.


The Weight of Emotional Intelligence in Social Media Marketing

Emotional intelligence is not new. It has been a concept (and a reality) for a very long time. However, the only difference now is that it has a new name. That happens quite often with concepts as well as other, more tangible things. Maybe people just get tired of using the same names so switching it up makes it seem as though that particular thing is new again.

LinkedIn Keyboard

Writing a Compelling Status Update on LinkedIn

You must have heard many times how effective (and amazing) LinkedIn is for business. Hopefully, you have made a commitment to using LinkedIn and you understand how important it can be for your business. If you understand that, you must also understand how important it is for you to post status updates regularly. That means that you must also make sure that your updates are worth reading.

LinkedIn Keyboard

Making a Significant Contribution in Your LinkedIn Groups

You have worked long and hard at this point to make sure that you are getting the most out of your LinkedIn groups. Let’s say that you are a member of 50 groups (the maximum allowed number of groups on LinkedIn) and you are interacting once in a while. You know that you need to do more to really leverage your LinkedIn groups.