How to Achieve Great Online Marketing Flow


When you are choosing your online marketing strategy and executing that strategy, you need to make sure to really give it a fair chance at succeeding. The success or your strategy and marketing flow won’t happen overnight.

There are numerous online marketing strategies that you can use to grow your business and to attract people to your website and to what you are offering. You need to remember that the secret to making a success of any strategy that you choose is persistence and consistency. A very positive aspect of online marketing is that your customer base is much larger than it would be with traditional marketing. You must keep in mind that whichever online marketing strategy you choose will take some time until you see results.

Just like all forms of marketing, Internet marketing takes time before you start to see results. There are many elements that go into a successful online marketing strategy (article marketing, social networking, blogging, etc) and they are all very important and essential to the success of your online marketing strategy.

The following steps, which are easy to follow, will help you to increase your marketing flow, assist you in increasing your website traffic and will help to convert your business prospects into customers.

It is recommended that you choose a few Internet marketing techniques that work best for your business and make sure that you use them consistently. You will need to use them on a regular schedule (a specific number of times each week). If you aren’t yet sure if the techniques that you have chosen are the most effective for your business, it is recommended that you try them out for three months and then decide whether you will go with them on a permanent basis.

At the end of the three-month period, you should analyze the results in order to identify which strategies were most effective and successful. If they were successful and effective, you should continue with them and also add others that you think might add to the success of your online marketing strategy.

  • Driving traffic to your website: In order to drive traffic to your website, you should be do article marketing, social networking, blogging, podcasting, etc. You will need to get involved in techniques that will result in more traffic being driven to your website. You must ensure that whatever techniques you use are effective in communicating to your readers that you are the one who will be able to solve their problem(s).
  • Enticing visitors to continue visiting your website: Once you have gotten visitors interested in your website, you need to keep the relationships going. A good way to entice your visitors is to have a box on every page where they can sign up with you. You can offer them an incentive, such as a free item (product or service) in exchange for their name and Email address. It is vitally important that you automate this process.
  • Converting your visitors into customers: After your visitors have agreed to sign up on your website, you need to continue to maintain contact with them. A great way to accomplish this is to send them a newsletter that you publish on a regular basis. A good format to follow for your newsletter is:
    • A personal note from you
    • The promotion of a new event or product
    • A feature article (this is the main section of your newsletter)
    • A section titled “About You”
    • A section where you make recommendations and/or a section titled “Market Place”

The majority of your newsletter content should be valuable content and a small amount should be reserved for a promotion of your business’s products and services. It is imperative that you send out your newsletter on a very regular basis. There may be other ways in which you would like to stay in touch with your prospective clients, with the hope of converting them to actual clients at some point in the near future. Whichever methods you choose, the newsletter should also be included.


The few recommended steps that have been discussed here will help you to attract visitors to your website, compel those visitors to want to become loyal to you and your business and eventually take the leap from prospect to customer. Networking with other people is a tried and true form of human communication. Social networking offers endless possibilities for relationships and for education.

The more buzz you create surrounding your offerings, the more successful you and your business will become. Another benefit is that once you have turned your prospects into loyal customers, they will tell other people about your products and services and those people will also become loyal customers.

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  • Michael Cohn

    Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has decades of experience in IT and web technologies. Michael founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their visibility and reputation. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility. Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

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2 Responses

  1. PPC Newbury says:

    This is really good advice for people who are looking to grow their website!

  2. Fred says:

    Very helpful advice thanks for sharing