Gauging the Mood of Your Target Audience

Target Audience

As you are communicating with your target audience, your point of view is extremely important and your goal is to impart your wisdom to other people. However, assuming that your presentation is interactive (at least, to a point), your target audience members are bound to have opinions and it is your responsibility to consider their points of view as well as your own.

You are expected to be open-minded for the sake of your target audience

If all that you ever see (as a business person) is your own opinion and perspective, you are missing out on a great deal. It is critical to your success that you understand your target audience well. If you are able to wrap your mind around who they are as people, you will have a good chance of developing a solid relationship with them and, thus, being able to gauge their mood and reception of what you are communicating.

[tweetthis]Being able to understand the mood of your audience will help you to tailor your presentation.[/tweetthis]

Being able to gauge the mood of your target audience means that you understand what motivated them to listen to you, as well as their attitudes, values, and beliefs. Those elements will drive them to react to you in a certain way and to interact with you accordingly.

Audience members want to be included

You can call it egocentrism or you can call it a need to be included but no matter what, the truth is that your target audience doesn’t want to come to your presentation and be lectured to. They want to be a part of the interactive experience and they want to understand clearly that their opinion and their feelings matter to you. The concept is simple but executing it can be more difficult than you think at times. The ideas that your audience present to you will be varied. You will really like some of those ideas and you will not agree with others. However, what is most important is for you to be as open-minded as possible so that you benefit from whatever makes sense for you and for your business. Your open-mindedness will not only help your business but it will also fortify your relationship with those target audience members.

Credibility is everything

Your credibility is critical to the success of your business. Without it, you will not succeed. You will be sharing your ideas with your audience members. At the same time, you will also be sharing your values: honesty (transparency), genuineness, passion, and many other positive qualities. Those values are the cement that makes up the foundation of your business. Those values are also the reason why other people believe in what you are doing and want to be a part of your success. If you don’t share your values, there is no way that other people will understand who you are and why they should share a relationship with you. Unlike other qualities that may be transient, your core values are here to stay and they make you who you are to a great extent.

Determine the objectives of your target audience members

It is important that you understand the objectives that your target audience members have when interacting with you and with sharing a relationship with you. Your ultimate objective is to get them to buy what you are selling but you have a lot of important steps to take before that objective can be accomplished. If you want your audience to do something (or more than one thing), ask them. The chances are really good that they will be willing to do what you ask.


Your target audience members and how you interact with them are critical to your success in business. It is also essential that you consider the ideas that your target audience members choose to share with you and make them understand how valuable they and their ideas are to you and to your business. Through your interactions, you will know exactly what your strategy should be with them. Your relationship is a collaboration that is valuable and totally worthwhile. You need to recognize that and embrace it with everything in you.

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  • Carolyn Cohn

    Carolyn Cohn is the Co-Founder & Chief Creative Services of CompuKol Communications. Carolyn manages CompuKol’s creative and editorial department, which consists of writers and editors. Her weekly blogs are syndicated globally. She has decades of editorial experience in online editing, and editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials. Carolyn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.

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