Category: Video Marketing

viral video

Creating Video Content that People Want to Share

It is a great idea to create short, valuable, compelling videos. However, how do you know if your video content is just going to sit there or if other people are going to feel that it is well worth sharing with other people? In other words, what do you need to put in that video content that causes it to become popular and to hopefully go viral before too long?

video marketing

Effective Ways to Promote Your Video Online

You recently made a great video and posted it online (YouTube or some other popular video website). You took great care to ensure that the video is the most effective length, the topic was incredibly compelling, and the quality of your video in general was top-notch. The only issue is that nobody is looking at it. What do you do?

Google Hangout

Leveraging Comments on a Google Hangout Event Page

You may be wondering what you can (and should) do with all of those comments that you are getting on your Google Hangout event page. We are going to discuss exactly that in this article. You may not realize that you have a wealth of information that you have not even tapped into yet and that information can be extremely lucrative for you.