Category: Social Media Strategies

Facebook Marketing

Growing Your Facebook Fans Easily

Social media is so interesting because many of the popular channels come and go. However, there are also some social media channels that have been strong since their inception and they are even stronger than ever now. Facebook is one of those. It started out in a much more limited way than it is now and it is still extremely important to grow your Facebook fans for the benefit of your business and of your brand.

Social Media for Business

The Thinking Behind Your Social Profile

Psychology figures into every aspect of our lives. It certainly is a factor in our behavior as human beings and it also factors into what we do professionally and how we do it. There is a strong possibility that you have social media profiles for your business and that you interact with other people online on a regular (or, at least, semi-regular) basis.


Honing Your Social Media Profiles Effectively

Many people pay a lot of attention to social media. However, do those same people pay as much attention to their social media profiles? There are many different reasons why people don’t update their social media profiles regularly, such as lack of time or simply forgetting about them. However, honing your social media profiles effectively and regularly will produce positive results.