Category: Business Relationships

content marketing

Improving Your Ranking by Translating Your Content

As a business owner, you have a need to reach a target audience in your local area; however, depending on what you do and what you offer, you may also wish to market your brand on a wider scope. If you have international capabilities, you will want to determine if translating your content helps your search engine rankings overall.

Influencer Marketing

Strengthening Your Online Influencer List

If you have been in business for any length of time, even a short length, you must understand how important influencers are to your brand and to your online and in-person interactions. Of course, there are several steps that you need to follow before you even get to the point of putting together a list of influencers; however, once you are at that point, your influencer list should be solid and robust. It may be time to take your list and build on it and make it even stronger.

LinkedIn Keyboard

LinkedIn’s Personal Touch Increases ROI

It is pretty common knowledge that LinkedIn (as well as the other social media channels) has many capabilities and once you get to know how to leverage all (or most) of its tools, it will help you to bring your business to the next level. However, what you may not realize is that LinkedIn’s “softer” features can also improve your business dramatically.

LinkedIn Keyboard

How to Become a Marketing Master on LinkedIn

If you aren’t doing it already, you should think seriously about focusing your marketing efforts on LinkedIn. Social media marketing is an extremely important aspect of your marketing strategy. Of course, there are many differences between the various marketing approaches, including the financial aspect. However, when it comes to marketing with LinkedIn, you will need to spend time and effort but there will be relatively less cost than with traditional marketing.