Business Relationships in Close Proximity

Networking - Shaking Hands

Depending on what sort of business you are in, you may be able to communicate and interact very effectively online. However, if you are in a business that really demands face-to-face interactions, the way that you do business (and communicate) will be a little different, although no less effective.

A combination of communication methods

There are several different ways in which you can communicate with people. You can speak on the phone, through Email, text, tweet, or meet in person. Those communication methods lend themselves more to your interactions with small groups. However, if you want (or need) to communicate with a large number of people at once, you can teleconference, have a webinar, etc. The point is that there are several different ways in which you can successfully conduct business, no matter what the size is of the group with whom you are interacting.

[tweetthis]If you have a valuable brand and offerings, you will find a way to ensure that others benefit.[/tweetthis]

However, under certain circumstances, in-person interactions are the most effective and you will need to know when online interactions are acceptable and when they are not.

When is in-person communication the most effective choice?

One thing that you can’t ever get out of online interactions with the other person is how to read that person’s body language. The only way to understand what the other person is feeling (or thinking) is to see him or her in person. The other person’s facial expressions, the way in which to person places his or her arms, crosses his or her legs, etc., speaks volumes and it is impossible to get any inkling of how that person is reacting if you are not right in front of him or her.

It is undeniable that the Internet has opened up tremendous opportunities in business for everyone; however, it is still safe to say that nothing beats in-person interactions. That applies to people at all levels in every industry. After all, the one thing that everyone has in common is the fact that everyone is a human being with emotions. The result that will come out of in-person interactions (every time) is that the loyalty, trust, and genuineness all come out of that type of interaction.

Of course, that will probably eventually lead to the other person buying what you are selling at some point and in your being the first person whom the other person thinks of the next time that he or she needs what you are selling.

In-person interactions have a lot of positives

In addition to other advantages that have already been discussed, another positive result that in-person interactions create is that they create an atmosphere (or environment) that is collaborative and synergistic. It also encourages colleagues to bounce ideas off of each other and to really make progress together in a way that is creative and exciting.

Online interactions are a way that many people, especially those who are not comfortable interacting in person with others, can communicate without actually revealing too much of themselves. It is much more difficult to do that in person.

If the relationship is borne out of in-person interactions (mostly), it may be more meaningful and enduring. You don’t need to interact in person exclusively; however, it is a great way to lay the foundation for the relationship and it is a good idea to meet in person from time to time as well.

In-person interactions help to strengthen your business and keep you on the path to achieving your goals

Every business has goals and those goals must be achieved at some point. In-person interactions are a great way to make that happen. The truth is that seeing a person and communicating in any online manner is just not the same. If your interactions are successful, it means that you will feed off of each other’s energy and you may be surprised at what wonderful, novel ideas you are both able to come up with. Sometimes, interacting with the other person (or other people) helps you to tap into your creativity and to see things from a different perspective.

Strengthening your relationship

Face-to-face interactions can really help you to cement your relationship with the other person in a big way as well. It may seem strange but it a very real way, it makes you both much more human to each other than if you were to interact only online (or through the telephone). Of course, the human/emotional connection is at the heart of your relationship and that is the reason that you have a relationship at all.


Many different types of interactions exist and they all have merit. It is a really good idea to take advantage of all of the different ways to communicate but it is very important that you don’t discount in-person interactions because they are just as important (if not more) than other types of interactions.

One obvious reason to interact in person is that other means of communication will feel less personal to everyone concerned. That is not the foundation that you want to build for your relationship. Also, one disadvantage of online communications is that the communications themselves can build up and the other person may feel overwhelmed and less willing to interact with you.

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  • Michael Cohn

    Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has decades of experience in IT and web technologies. Michael founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their visibility and reputation. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility. Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

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