Branding Your Website Thank You Page
Your business makes a promise about your brand to your customers every time they interact with you. Whether they buy online or in a physical store, you are responsible for thanking them.
Many businesses don’t properly leverage their thank you page to build relationships with their customers and to reinforce their brands. The relationship between a business and its customers goes beyond the website and its content. It continues onto the thank you page and all of the way through to the delivery of the product and/or service to the customer.
Many business people who sell their goods and services forget to say thank you after someone has made a purchase from them. It is a simple gesture that goes a long way. We know that we must say thank you in our personal lives so why do we forget to say thank you in our professional lives?
The customer comes across your website, takes time to look around at what you have to offer and makes a decision to buy something from you, sign up for a whitepaper or register to one of your seminars. What then pops up is an unbranded, somewhat generic default thank you page that leaves the customer feeling rather empty.
Your thank you page is an extremely important tool that you should make full use of when you are trying to connect with your customers.
Re-engage your customers
You should use your thank you page to re-engage your customers by letting them know about your new products and services. You should discretely entice them to indulge in your new offerings and encourage them to return to your website with a coupon for a future purchase.
Because the customer already trusts you enough to buy from you, it will be easy to introduce them to your new products and services. You need to make it very attractive for them by offering some sort of promotion. At the same time, take the opportunity to tell them about offerings that will be available in the near future. You might also want to run a contest or event. You can provide them with a link so that they can participate.
Reinforce your brand
Your thank you page is a wonderful place to reinforce your brand. You can also use the page for marketing messages, commitment and education of your customers. You can provide them with helpful information that they can apply to their own business. You can also offer a free gift. This offering will let your customers know that you have something of increased value for your customers.
The main goal of your thank you page is to leave a lasting impression on your customers. If you make it really unique and very connected to your brand, it will absolutely achieve that goal.
If customers are sent to a thank you page that has the same look and feel as the rest of your website, they will have a feeling of continuity. They will not experience that warm, fuzzy feeling if they are taken to an impersonal, generic thank you page.
A common mistake that many businesses make is that they have a great and extremely effective website, which has great and valuable content and successfully convinces people to sign up for what they are offering. However, their thank you page totally falls short. You should take this opportunity to stand above your competition and leave a strong and long-lasting impression on your customers through your thank you page.
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Thank you for writing such a meaningful article about the art of thanking one's customers.
Indeed, whether in the "real world" or virtual, politeness,graciousness, and etiquette are always important.
So, again, thank you for reminding everyone.
Most Cordially
You're absolutely right! So many businesses don't get repeat business because they don't know how to say thank you or they don't follow up later on with a continuity program. You need to stay in the minds of your customers and stand out against your competitors. What makes you unique and different? How do you make your customer feel special?
Thanks for Writting a Nice article and iam looking forward to your future articles.
Fugenx Technologies
Nice article.
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