Boosting Your Business With a Video Blog

video marketing

You may not be thrilled with the idea of creating and posting a video blog but it is possible that you aren’t aware of how effective it can be for your business. You may be uncomfortable speaking into a camera but it will be well worth it.

What is a video blog and why is it worthwhile?

A video blog is an online video that communicates whatever you wish to communicate.  It can serve many different purposes and it can help you and your business to achieve many different goals in a way that no other medium can help you to achieve those goals. Your video blog can feature the following extremely useful communications for your business:

  • You can interview key people in your business, who can speak about the incredible features of your business. There are many instances when the information will be far more effective if it doesn’t come from you. It will be much more powerful if it comes from people who are more objective about the information.

  • Your video blog can show a virtual tour of your business and you can narrate the highlights of your business.

  • Your video can highlight a person who is communicating objective information on related news items.

  • Your video can discuss your products and/or services and you can give an online demonstration of how your products work.

  • You can record your story and don’t forget to make it interesting and humorous. People love humor.

At this point, you may be asking yourself why you need to create a video blog. What will it do for your business?

  • A video blog can give your business the human touch. In all businesses, successful relationships are at the heart of success. If you don’t share relationships with your clients and prospective clients, you won’t be successful. If you can come across as a business owner who gives off warmth and humanism, more people will want to interact with you and eventually buy what you are selling.

  • A video blog can help to turn your dry content into content that is more appealing and compelling. There are some people who like to read but there are other people who are visual and those people may prefer a video to a written article.

  • A video blog shows off your technical skills and allows you to connect with your target audience. As you are probably aware, social media is an incredible tool for business. In fact, the more you interact with them, the stronger your relationship with them will be. Your video blogging efforts will help you to engage them more easily and more effectively.

  • A video blog makes a statement about your technical ability. Many people believe that it takes a lot of knowledge to be able to create and post video blogs. Of course, the truth is that it doesn’t take so much know how but you don’t need to let other people know that. In any case, you need to consider your video blog as an extremely important and powerful tool. You should leverage it for your business as much as you can.


There are many different ways to make your business a success and video blogging is one of the most effective ways. It is an extremely effective way to communicate and it will help you to build relationships with your target audience that will stand the test of time. Undoubtedly, your target audience will spend a lot of their time online looking at videos. You need to make sure that your video blogs are some of the ones that they choose to view. Posting a video blog will only make your business more popular and more interesting. You have the technology so why not take advantage of it so that your interactions with your online connections are even more interesting and even more fruitful.



  • Michael Cohn

    Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has decades of experience in IT and web technologies. Michael founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their visibility and reputation. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility. Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

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6 Responses

  1. Nancy Gross says:

    Via LinkedIn groups
    Group: The NJ Networking Forum
    Discussion: Boosting Your Business With a Video Blog

    Video blogging is an important factor to help a business succeed. Fear of the unknown is what holds us back from stepping into the inevitable online future. Research, action and implementation is the key to creating a video blog worth putting online. With the present economic times there needs an open mind to bring in new ideas and video blog being one of them to keep ahead of the future.
    By Nancy Gross

  2. Simon Morice says:

    Via LinkedIn groups
    Group: Small Business Web
    Discussion: Boosting Your Business With a Video Blog

    I am not sure I agree entirely. Telling people how great you are is advertising; nobody rushes home to watch adverts on TV. The other thing worth bearing in mind is that it’s the quality of the story and not the fact that it’s a film that retains an audience. Poor stories on video do not get watched.

    Cheap word processors did not suddenly unleash legions of authors. Cheap video equipment and publishing is not creating more Leans or Spielbergs. It is giving platform to the tedious illiterati. A good indication of whether it’s worth putting effort into making films is to establish whether you can tell stories or not. Bottom line is that film making is a literacy and not so hard to learn. But you do need to learn it.
    By Simon Morice

  3. Paul Simbeck-Hampson says:

    +Paul Simbeck-Hampson via Google+

    Yes to video, but caution to: “Posting a video blog will only make your business more popular and more interesting.” – any brand messaging has risk associated.

  4. Brandon Schaefer says:

    Via LinkedIn groups
    Group: Small Business Web
    Discussion: Boosting Your Business With a Video Blog

    I agree, just keep the videos under 3-minutes in the beginning. Once you build an audience, you can get more in depth with your audience.
    By Brandon Schaefer

  5. Davon says:

    Sounds very good i been thinking about doimg a video for my business for a long time i ventured out and made a podcast already im just alittle shy about being in video hopefully its something i can overcome

  6. Dennis Azana says:

    Via LinkedIn groups
    Group: Digital Media Living
    Discussion: Boosting Your Business With a Video Blog

    I agree. Seriously, people these days are too lazy to read that’s why video has been a very effective medium for marketing. However, before achieving such success with this strategy, one needs to have a compelling and unique video that will show off the personality that makes up the business.
    By Dennis Azana