Monetizing Your Content for Maximum Value

content marketing

Monetizing your hard work is very important for you and for your business. On the other side, the person who is reading your content is probably serious about buying (or, at least considering) what you are selling.

A new age is upon you

Static, never-changing content is no longer a valid way to present content. Technology has advanced so far beyond it that that type of content is considered obsolete. Although you may be able to convince prospective clients that you and your business are exactly what (and who) they need, there are so many more effective and easy ways to go about making that happen. In fact, there are tools that can help you to turn your hard work into actual revenue. At this point, you may be wondering why you even need to use a content monetizing tool to get your valuable content out there. Well, the first thing that you need to realize is that you and every other business owner on the planet are ultimately in business for one reason and that is to make money and to achieve total success. 

[tweetthis]The more readers you have, the more credible you are.[/tweetthis]

Use the tools that can help you to achieve greater success

Assuming that you produce content that can (either directly or indirectly) help you to eventually bring in a revenue stream, the tool will allow you to position your offerings in such a way as to get people to be willing to make an investment in you and in your business. Of course, what you need to keep in mind at all times is that you must offer your target audience something that they feel is worth buying.

Whatever you are offering must cause them to think that it will solve a problem that they happen to be dealing with and one that they don’t seem to be able to solve on their own. If you promote your offerings properly, your target audience members will do a lot of the work for you by showing interest in your content and in telling other people about what you have to offer. Before you know it, your content and your offerings (or, at least, the idea of them) will have gone viral. 

The fact is that, as always, you are going to strive to give your target audience information that is valuable to them and that will help them in some significant manner. Since you are going above and beyond the call of duty, there is absolutely no reason why you should not be rewarded for that. In this case, that means getting paid for what you are offering to them. That certainly is not unreasonable. After all, you have worked really hard on coming up with something valuable. Why shouldn’t you reap the benefits of that?

How do you start to monetize your content? 

When it comes to your content, you will need to use an approach that allows you to connect with people who are interested in buying what you are selling. Additionally, you will need your content to draw in a larger number of people who are interested in what you are writing. Those online connections are the people who have the intention of buying top-shelf content so you better make sure that you present them with the content that they are looking for. There are different positive results to using tools to monetize your content, such as:

  • A dependable shopping card
  • A high ranking on the search engines
  • No expense
  • A user-friendly experience
  • A broad network

At this point, you may be wondering why you need to monetize your content. Well, first of all, you deserve to be paid for all of your hard work and valuable ideas. A feeling of respect goes along with that as well. In addition to your deserved success, monetizing your content also strengthens your credibility and allows you to keep monetizing what you are sharing with other people. There are several way to monetize your content, including taking your content and creating an eBook from it. Amazon is an amazing vehicle for that. 

Keep your content fresh and new

It is very important to always remember that the content that you present must always be fresh. Static content that rarely changes is just not going to cut it with your audience. There is way too much information coming at everyone for anyone to settle for less than what they want to get their hands one. In fact, there is so much information that can be acquired, if you don’t keep up, there will always be someone else who can provide what you are not providing.

How do you get people to pay for what you are offering?

Well, if you give bonuses with the content that you want your target audience to pay for, eventually (and eventually does not necessarily mean in the distant future), people will be very willing to pay for it. If they recognize the value in what you are offering, they will pay. They will understand the value and the justification of paying for it. In fact, the more you offer, the more valuable your offerings will become. When it comes to eBooks, it may be less a matter of becoming wealthy from all of the money that you make from your book sales and more about demonstrating to other people that you, like them, are constantly evolving and that you have far greater capabilities than they might have imagined.


When you first launched your business, it was totally understandable that you needed to give valuable pieces of information away. The reason why that was understandable was because you were still in the middle of building trust, credibility, and getting other people to recognize you for the subject matter expert that you are. Now, however, is a different story. You have earned all of those qualities so now you are more valuable and your offerings are more valuable so you can now charge for what you needed to give away before. It is not until your are very confident of what you are offering that you can even consider selling it. Of course, don’t get discouraged. That will happen before you know it. Remember to always offer user-friendly, helpful content that people really get excited about having. It is a strategy that really works.

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  • Carolyn Cohn

    Carolyn Cohn is the Co-Founder & Chief Creative Services of CompuKol Communications. Carolyn manages CompuKol’s creative and editorial department, which consists of writers and editors. Her weekly blogs are syndicated globally. She has decades of editorial experience in online editing, and editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials. Carolyn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.

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